The Capitol

Washington Monument

Frank Schoonover's "Marine's Took Bour"

The view from the Wyeth Family Porch

One of the many at Brandywine

I just got back from a week's vacation in D.C.Great city filled with cool little neighborhoods and some fun restaurants. The best part of the trip of course was getting a chance to see the very best in American Illustration. It started with a visit to Delaware to see the the Delaware Art Museum, Schoonover Studios, and the Brandywine Museum. I met John Schoonover at the Schoonover Studios who introduced me to Elizabeth Alberding and Richard Kelly of the Kelly Collection of American Illustration. Some of the highlights include: seeing the majority of Pyle's pirates at the Delaware, Seeing 11 of the 17 Wyeth Treasure Island paintings, seeing where Frank Schoonover and N.C. Wyeth actually worked and seeing the vast amounts of beautiful work at the Kelly Collection. So much to see that a painting I would have spent 10 minutes in front got whittled down to mere seconds. All of the more reason to go back for a visit some day. I really have to thank Richard, Elizabeth and John for such a extraordinarily memorable trip.